Mission Equipment

The portfolio includes heating systems, communication systems, mounts and holders, power units, thermal driver systems and launcher systems,.

Vehicle Intercom Systems

The intercom systems enable on-field communication with command centre, adhering to the communication requirements.

Fuel Heating Systems

Winter fuel heating systems operate in varying temperatures as low as -35°C, for optimal comfort and performance.

Mounts & Holders

The range includes machine gun mounts, gun holders, plastic training weapons as per standards.

Smoke Grenade Launcher Systems

The smoke grenade launcher systems are designed as per the military standards, with sequential and collective options.

Auxiliary Power Units

The auxiliary power units (APU) are designed for high performance in exacting conditions for uninterrupted power supply.

Thermal Driver Sight

The thermal imagers use IRFPA military grade, uncooled thermal imaging detectors and is well-suited for armoured vehicles.

Driver Display

The image display unit offers good road information and has a user-friendly interaction interface.

Brands Represented

We represent all major brands as authorized representative.